Have You Networked Today?

Chicago Publishing Network just keeps on growing (join us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com), with new members joining just about every day. We now have more than 350 members. That means there are literally hundreds of opportunities to connect with like-minded publishing professionals throughout Chicago and the Midwest. Who have you connected with?

Whether “publishing” means books, magazines, newspapers, e-media, or something else to you, there are plenty of opportunities to network with peers who can help you learn about other facets of publishing, new jobs, interesting events, or thought-provoking articles. When was the last time you reached out to someone to share news about your chosen industry?

Chicago’s publishing world is a little disjointed, and that’s one of the reasons CPN exists: to help colleagues find each other and learn about the various goings-on in the area. In the past, we’ve listed events, news, and jobs, and we’ll continue to do so here and at our LinkedIn spot. How many industry events have you been to in the past few months?

It can be difficult to find the time to connect with peers, attend events, or even read an entire article, regardless of how helpful or interesting the information. With all the silly tweets and goofy questions flying around on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, it can be a challenge to separate the wheat from the chaff. What kind of news of value can you share that might help your career or the career of an industry peer?

Chicago’s publishing world remains strong, despite the still-stumbling economy. There are plenty of opportunities to connect with like-minded publishing professionals, whether through networking, attending events, sharing information, or posting job information. When was the last time you shared some publishing scoop?

There are plenty of ways to boost your involvement, which not only can help your career, but may serve to help someone else (good karma!). Opportunities abound through local organizations, events, news sources, etc., such as:

Chicago Book Clinic: http://chicagobookclinic.org
Chicago Creative Coalition: http://www.chicagocreative.org
Chicago Headline Club: http://www.headlineclub.org
Chicago Literary Alliance: http://cooler.storystudiochicago.com
Chicago Women in Publishing: http://www.cwip.org
Chicago Writers Association: http://www.chicagowrites.org
Independent Writers of Chicago: http://www.iwoc.org
International Association of Business Communicators: Chicago: http://chicago.iabc.com

Share some news! Spread the word! If your firm is looking to fill a position, post it (for free!) at our LinkedIn spot. If your organization has an event, share the details. If you’ve read something interesting, post the link. You never know what good could come out of it!

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